FACT CHECK: Were Nigerian soldiers killed in Niger Republic?

CLAIM: A Facebook page claims that over 100 Nigerian soldiers were killed in an ambush in the Republic of Niger




A Facebook page, IgboTimes magazine, in a post on Thursday, claimed that over 100 Nigerian soldiers on ECOWAS mission were killed by Nigerien soldiers.

The post read:

“Breaking News: More than 100 Nigerian soldiers were killed and 50 ran back to Nigeria as Niger Republic Military over Powerd Ecowas Nigerian soldiers in the border

“Early hours of today, the Ecowas Nigerian soldiers sent to invade the Niger Republic were ambushed and killed by Niger soldiers, more than 100 Ecowas soldiers were killed while Ghana and Chad Soldiers ran back to Nigeria for safety

Chibuike Emeka” who was among the soldiers sent to Niger Republic lamented that the Rebels “Niger soldiers” were with weapons far ahead of what the Ecowas gave them. Their guns can kill someone who is 20 yards away while we can’t even see them talk more of shooting them, they see us and work in United land lock, and invading Niger from Land will be impossible only by air can Ecowas win, he said

Niger is currently under military rule after a coup detat that has been condemned by the Economic West African States (ECOWAS), led by President Bola Tinubu.


It is first important to note that there is currently no war between Nigeria or ECOWAS and Niger Republic. Although President Tinubu threatened military intervention in sacking the military junta in Niger, but the threat had not been implemented, especially as the Nigerian Senate refused to approve the President’s request to deploy troops to Niger.

Also, the claim could not be traced to any credible source or media outlet

The last ambush suffered by Nigerian soldiers in which scores of them were killed, was in Niger State in North Central Nigeria, not Niger Republic.


The claim that about 100 Nigerian soldiers were killed by their Nigerien counterparts is false

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