Trying to conceive? Here is how exercise can help

June 21,2022
Exercising releases endorphins which are chemicals produced naturally by the nervous system to cope with pain or stress. They are often called “feel-good” chemicals, for good reason.
Pregnant woman
For any lady who is desperately trying to conceive, there is always a two-week wait to confirm if the swimmers came home safe
It is the period when a woman is anticipating a pregnancy, starting from a fertile window till the first day of the next menstrual cycle. And most women that are trying to get pregnant believe that exercising during this time can be detrimental to the plan.
Other women get so anxious that they can’t do any active work during this time. But as it turns out, exercise is one of the best things one can do during those two weeks as far as conceiving is concerned.
It has been proven that exercise increases the chances of conception. Unfortunately, most women do not exercise after the fertile window as they fear it may hamper fertilisation,
How do exercises work?
- Exercise helps you in achieving a healthy BMI. It helps reduce weight, which leads to increasing the chances of conception
- Exercising releases endorphins which are chemicals produced naturally by the nervous system to cope with pain or stress. They are often called “feel-good” chemicals, for a good reason.
- Exercises improve circulation & flexibility(especially in the pelvic region).
- Exercising helps set the circadian rhythms back to normalcy and allows for better sleep, thus regulating the hormones. circadian rhythms are physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a 24-hour cycle.
Exercise help implantation
Moderate exercise is good
One should continue doing medium-intensity exercises unless one is asked by a doctor not to continue.
- Walking: Walking is the most accessible and underrated form of activity but is highly effective. Especially women whose BMI is on the higher side must walk for a minimum of 30-40 minutes to regulate the hormone cycle.
- Moderate intensity exercises: Moderate intensity exercises like pilates, Zumba, yoga, swimming, aerobics, cycling, jogging, or any outdoor sports activity for around 45 min 5 times a week are considered safe and recommended.
- Breathing exercises: With everyone suggesting “stay positive”/ “stay relaxed, ” it further increases anxiety. Practising breathing exercises regularly brings calmness, which is an excellent way to incorporate meditation into an everyday routine. It can be as simple as sitting in a comfortable position, focusing on breathing in and out, taking deep breaths and breathing out entirely or breathing in and out with the count of three.
Exercises to avoid
- Any exercise that might occur to any mild abdominal trauma may include movements like twisting motions or rapid changes in direction.
- Activities include extensive jumping, hopping, skipping, bouncing, and bouncing, while stretching must be avoided during the 2-week wait.
This two-week waiting period feels long and mind-consuming for a couple anticipating a pregnancy for the first time or trying for multiple years. However, following a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, and reducing alcohol, smoking and caffeine consumption, helps increase the chances of conception. Before starting exercises, discuss with your primary doctor and physiotherapist