Samuel Meyiwa Khalil hails Delta gov for nominating Wilkie, Uduaghan for commissioners

Mr Samuel Meyiwa Khalil, secretary to Warri North Local Government council, has thanked the Governor of Delta State, Rt Hon Sherrif Oborevwori, for finding very cerebral and erudite Warri northerners, Hon. (Dr) Isaac Wilkie and Orode Uduaghan, worthy to be nominated commissioner-designate.

In a statement made available to newsmen, the SLG of Warri North who doubles as the Secretary of all Delta State Local Government Secretaries said the nomination came at the very right time and the people so Nominated are round pegs in round hole.

In his words, “Let me specially appreciate the Governor for the nomination and for keeping to his words of making his Government Youth friendly. Your Excellency, you have made one of the best decisions and we the people’s of Warri North are indeed very grateful. You can bank on them to deliver in line with your MORE agenda, he added

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