Reps reject proposed electricity tariff hike

The House of Representatives on Thursday rejected the proposed increase in electricity tariff by power companies in the country.

The electricity distribution companies (DiSCoS) had last month requested the National Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) approval of a 40 percent increase in tariff due to the rising cost of petrol in the country.

The House resolution followed the adoption of a motion sponsored by a lawmaker from Kano State, Sani Madaki at the plenary in Abuja

In his presentation, Madaki said it was insensitive for the DiScOs to introduce such a huge increase in tariff at a time Nigerians are groaning under the impact of the petrol price hike.

He urged the lower legislative chamber to reject the tariff hike in the interest of Nigerians.

The House, therefore, directed the NERC not to approve the electricity companies’ request for an increase in electricity tariff.

The parliament also mandated its committee on power, once constituted, to engage the NERC and find a middle ground on the proposed tariff hike considering the current economic realities in the country

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