11 herbs and spices to help you get pregnant fast

Make these changes to your diet to boost your fertility.
7 herbs and spices to help you get pregnant fast In general, it is appropriate to treat any type of infertility condition with herbal medicines. This includes advanced maternal age, luteal-phase-defect, premature ovarian failure, male factor, or unexplained symptoms.
The effects of herbal medicines are generally cumulative, and the clinical effects of treating the infertile couple are usually seen after 60-120 days. Herbs are also cycle-dependent.
They require the entire menstrual cycle to be effective and work best with multiple cycles. This means that if, for instance, a woman decides to have an in vitro Fertilization: IVF transfer within a week, she should avoid herbal treatment.
Check out what to eat to conceive. To add flavour to your diet, add these spices and herbs to satisfy your cravings and enhance your fertility level.
- Cinnamon
Cinnamon can help with proper ovarian functioning and thus be effective in fighting infertility. It even helps in the treatment of PCOS, one of the main causes of infertility.
How to Use:
Add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder to a cup of hot water.
Drink it once daily for a few months.
Include cinnamon in your diet by sprinkling cinnamon powder on your cereal, oatmeal, and yogurt.
- Garlic
The pungent smell of garlic should prevent you from being a parent. You can simply incorporate garlic into all your diet for some weeks and wait for the good news. You can also chew 2 or more garlic cloves followed by a glass of milk every morning.
- Nutmeg and Sugar
This is another well known and tested a home remedy for treating female infertility. It is one of the best home remedies for female sterility
How to Use:
Take 3gm nutmeg powder and 3gm sugar.
Mix both powders well and store in an airtight container
Mix with one cup of cow’s milk and drink every day during your menstruation cycles.
Start drinking from the first day and continue till your period ends.
- Chilli powder
Add some spice to your soups and stews this festive season and boost your chances of conceiving.
Chili powder contains sufficient amount of vitamin A which fulfils one’s daily intake. Besides, it contributes to the maintenance of eyesight and takes care of bones, teeth, skin, internal membranes and reproductive system
- Turmeric
Turmeric is also a powerful antioxidant that has the ability to help the body fight free radicals, which hinders tissue degeneration and inhibits pro-inflammatory molecules.
Research shows that turmeric has medicinal benefits for treating inflammatory conditions of the joints, muscles and nerves, autoimmune inflammation, autoimmune fertility health conditions and may be helpful for those dealing with fertility health conditions like uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts and premenstrual pain.
6. Evening Primrose Oil – EPO
Evening Primrose oil is extracted from the seeds of Evening Primrose plant. It promotes and maintains hormonal balance and aids in alleviating PMS symptoms such as a headache, breast tenderness, bloating and irritability. In addition to this, EPO also increases cervical mucus. Cervical mucus is essential for sperm to journey to the egg and achieve conception.
7. Castor Oil
Extracted from the seeds of the Castor plant, Castor oil, is applied externally with the help of a castor oil pack. To make the pack, soak a piece of flannel cloth in castor oil until it’s saturated. Place it over your lower abdomen, cover it with the plastic sheet and weighed down with a hot water bottle. Lay back and cover it with a towel and relax for 30-45 minutes. Later remove the pack and clean your tummy.
Castor oil stimulates the lymphatic system (fights disease and removes toxins), the circulatory system (promotes overall health) and the liver (helps removes toxins and maintain hormonal balance).
8. Maca
Maca is a plant indigenous to the highlands of Peru. Growing in the volcanic soils of the highlands, Maca is rich in minerals and phytonutrients. It supports hormonal balance and boosts thyroid health. It also increases energy, stamina and libido.
It can be taken as tincture or capsules, but more commonly is used in powder form as an additive to juice, smoothies and even baked goods. It is a staple food (not just medicine) of the Peruvian people, and as such, it doesn’t possess any side effects.
9. Damiana
Damiana is a shrub with yellow flowers that is found throughout South and Central America, Mexico and the West Indies. Its leaves are dried and used to make a tea which serves as an aphrodisiac. It stimulates nerves and increases blood flow to sexual organs. Damiana can help men overcome impotence and also modulate spermatorrhea, which is a condition that causes excessive, accidental ejaculations.

10. Milk Thistle
Milk Thistle is a prickly plant that is found in regions of Australia, New Zealand, United States, Iran and Southern England where it originated. It is best taken in tincture form as its seeds are harder to digest. Milk Thistle is an excellent natural medicine for the liver. It cleanses, renews and protects your liver. The liver, in turn, maintains hormonal health.
Milk Thistle also aids production of breast milk and is known to help stave postpartum depression.
11. Cinnamon
The cinnamon bark can be powdered to make capsules, or a tincture can be extracted from its root. Just like other natural fertility herbs in this list, cinnamon also has multiple beneficial effects that contribute to its fertility boosting effects.
Cinnamon has been observed to reduce insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is believed to be one of the factors that cause PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) in women, which is a major cause of infertility and believed to affect 1 in 10 women. Cinnamon also helps control heavy menstrual bleeding.