Police Vow To Impound Vehicles With No Number Plates In Nigeria’s Capital, Arrest Violators

This directive comes in response to increasing concerns over public safety linked to such violations.

The Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Police Command has issued a stern warning to motorists and car dealers in Abuja, emphasising a zero-tolerance policy towards driving without number plates and operating beyond stipulated hours

This directive comes in response to increasing concerns over public safety linked to such violations.

In a press statement released by SP Josephine Adeh, the Public Relations Officer of the FCT Police, the command lamented a disturbing trend where vehicles ply the roads either with single or no number plates, and car dealers continue operations outside the legally prescribed timeframe of 6:00 am to 6:00 pm, as per Section 25(5) of the Federal Capital Territory Road Transport Regulation Act, 2005.

SP Adeh underscored the gravity of the violations, noting a correlation between vehicles lacking proper identification and criminal activities such as armed robbery, commonly known as “one chance.” 

She acknowledged growing public concern about the incidents and emphasised the imperative for law enforcement to act decisively.

Addressing the press, CP Benneth C. Igweh, Commissioner of Police for the FCT, issued strict orders for immediate enforcement measures.

“I have instructed that vehicles found without number plates or with only one plate visible should be impounded immediately,” stated CP Igweh. 

He further emphasised that drivers caught in violation will face arrest and prosecution in accordance with the law.

Additionally, CP Igweh warned car dealers against unauthorized parking and operating outside the designated hours. 

“Violators among car dealers will face severe legal consequences,” he cautioned. 

He reiterated the commitment of the FCT Police to uphold safety and security within the territory, urging residents to remain vigilant and report suspicious activities promptly.

The Commissioner urged compliance with regulatory requirements, emphasising that the crackdown aims to enhance public safety and curb criminal activities associated with unregistered vehicles. 

He assured the public that the FCT Police will enforce these measures rigorously to maintain law and order across Abuja

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