Pastor Kumuyi disagrees with Pope Francis, says same-sex marriage not biblical

The General Superintendent of Deeper Christian Life Ministry, Pastor William Kumuyi, has disagreed with Pope Francis’s position on same-sex marriage, saying such a practice is not biblical and not in line with Jesus Christ’s command to Christians.

The Catholic pontiff had on Tuesday, stirred controversy when he granted permission for priests to bestow blessings upon same-sex marriage couples.

But Kumuyi, while speaking on Wednesday at the opening of the Deeper Life Global Crusade at the church’s International Conference Centre along the Lagos-Ibadan Expressway, insisted that Jesus never approved same-sex marriage as his command was for a man to get married to a woman.

“The Lord Jesus Christ told us before he left that we should go to the world, teach all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost; teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. He even says heaven and earth shall pass away but his words will not pass away,” the man of God said.

“We stand in obedience to Christ and submissive to him and we carry on the works of Christ that said a man and a woman should be joined together in marriage until death do us part,” Kumuyi asserted.

Kumuyi who also took time to address the essence of the Yuletide, said it was a period to celebrate the impacts and the sacrifice that Jesus had made for the whole world.

“There are some things that people do during this time that do not honour Christ Jesus, and do not help their health, things like; smoking, drinking substances, and doing other things that impact their health negatively,” he added

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