“Pastor Adeboye Apologizes: ‘Saying You Won’t Make Heaven Without Paying Tithe Is Wrong, Not in the Bible’”

October 4, 2024
By Okafor Joseph Afam

In a surprising turn of events, Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), has issued a public apology for his earlier claim that Christians who fail to pay tithe will not make it to heaven. The revered cleric made this apology during a recent sermon, acknowledging that his earlier statement, which sparked widespread controversy, was not supported by the Bible.

Tithing, a practice that involves giving 10 percent of one’s income to the church as an act of worship and obedience to God, has long been a debated subject in Christian circles. Pastor Adeboye’s earlier pronouncement that paying tithe was a prerequisite for salvation led to mixed reactions, with many Christians challenging the theological accuracy of the claim.

In his apology, which was captured in a viral video, Pastor Adeboye admitted his mistake and clarified his stance:

“We need to be apologizing for making a mistake, for saying that if you don’t pay tithe, you may not make it to heaven. I’m sorry. That is wrong,” he said. “That is not in the Bible. What the Bible says is, be at peace with all men and holiness, without which, no man shall see God.”

Pastor Adeboye, who has been a leading voice in the Christian community for decades, also acknowledged the complexities of interpreting scripture, admitting that even leaders can be mistaken at times.

“It is possible to be right and wrong at the same time,” he said. “I may have been a scientist, so I know that. For years, we thought that light travels in straight lines, but later, we discovered it is not straight as a road. Light travels in waves, going in one direction but in waves.”

He went further to say that while tithing is an important practice for Christians, it should not be seen as the sole measure of one’s relationship with God. “It is wrong to limit you to 10%. At a time when some of you should be giving 20%, 30%, 40%, 10% should be for beginners. Giving should be done violently.”

The issue of tithing has long been a divisive one within the global Christian community. Some denominations interpret the biblical command in Malachi 3:10—“Bring you all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house…”—as a mandate for all Christians, linking it to their spiritual prosperity and even salvation. Malachi 3:8 adds, “Will a man rob God? Yet, you have robbed me. But you say, where have we robbed you? In tithes and offerings.”

However, many Christians and Christian leaders argue that tithing is not a requirement for making heaven. Pastor Adeboye’s apology has reignited discussions around this controversial topic, as Christians worldwide grapple with different interpretations of the scripture.

For now, Pastor Adeboye’s humble apology seems to have softened the debate, reminding Christians of the importance of love, peace, and holiness in their spiritual journey, rather than fixating on specific practices as measures of salvation.

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