Living Only for Jesus Christ throughout the Year

January 9,2023
The Ambassador of Kingdom power International Christian Praying Center (Kpicpc), Edo State , Benin City, has charged his congratulations to emulate the lifestyle and patterns of Apostle Paul
who lived all is life serving God year in and out.
The minister of God, explained in details from Philippians 1:21, how apostle Paul who was a murder of christians encounter the lord and it’s leads to his dramatic change. He noted that Paul from that very moment asked the lord Jesus’ Christ what do you want me to do for you lord, and immediately he was told what to do for the lord.
Apostle Paul from that moment lived a life of holiness and righteousness serving the lord.
Paul lived for Jesus Christ year by year preaching and winning souls for kingdom.
Despite the challenges and mockery from the Romans government he didn’t go backwards rather he pressed on moving in faith and prayers.
Members should expect challenges and attacks from the opposite parties, adding that because the year is loaded with abundance the enemies will do everything to push you out he said.
Also, Paul cautioned the brethren in 1Cornthians 11:1 saying be ye follower of Christ just the way I followed him.
The cleric urged his congratulations that God has promised them abundance fulfilment this year but it’s will only come by commitment in services, and being present in every activities
lastly, he said only the faithful and committed believers will access those abundance in the warehouse.