Juventus banned from Europe: UEFA exclude them from the Conference League

During the 2022/23 season, UEFA’s Club Financial Control Body (CFCB) First Chamber, led by Sunil Gulati, launched investigations into Juventus and Chelsea to see if there were potential violations of UEFA’s Club Licensing and Financial Fair Play regulations.

The CFCB First Chamber determined that Juventus had violated UEFA’s rules and breached the settlement agreement made in August 2022

As a consequence, the Chamber revoked a previous settlement and decided to exclude Juventus from UEFA men’s club competitions for the 2023/24 season. That means they won’t be able to enter the Conference League.

Additionally, Juventus were imposed with an extra financial penalty of 20 million euros.

However, half of this amount is subject to conditions and will only be applied if the club’s financial statements for the years 2023, 2024, and 2025 fail to meet the accounting requirements specified in Annex G of the UEFA Financial Sustainability and Club Licensing Regulations.

UEFA’s ruling on Chelsea

Regarding Chelsea, the CFCB First Chamber found that the club had not complied with the UEFA Financial Fair Play and Club Licensing Regulations due to incomplete financial reporting

After the club was sold in May 2022, the new ownership proactively identified and reported instances of potentially incomplete financial reporting during the previous ownership’s tenure, specifically related to transactions between 2012 and 2019

Following careful evaluation, considering the applicable statute of limitations, the CFCB First Chamber reached a settlement agreement with Chelsea, which involved the club paying a financial contribution of 10m euros to fully address the reported issues.

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