IPOB disowns South-East stay-at-home order

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) has distanced itself from the one-week sit-at-home order in the South-East.

An anonymous group had in an audio message posted on social media during the week announced a week-long sit-at-home period in the South-East from July 3 to July 10.

The operation dubbed: “#FreeNnamdiKanu” is intended to force the Federal Government to release the detained IPOB leader, Nnamdi Kanu.

Anyone who dared to leave on the specified dates would face severe repercussions,” the promoters of the radio message stated.

However, in a statement issued on Wednesday, the IPOB spokesman, Emma Powerful, said urged the people of the region to ignore the audio message, saying it did not emanate from the group.

He said: “You should know those people declaring the fake sit-at-home and the criminal who is illegally destroying our land.

“I will issue an official press release against it two days to the date declared in the audio, but for now, the leadership of IPOB has asked me not to give it attention or attraction

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