Detained Cameroonian dons, others seek Reps’ help

Six professors of Nigerian universities and four others allegedly abducted from Nigeria and imprisoned in Cameroon since January 2018 have cried out to the House of Representatives to secure their release.

The 10, who are all Cameroonians, said in a petition to the House, said they were legally resident in Nigeria before their abduction.

The professors said they were illegally abducted and deported   on January 5, 2018, on “frivolous allegations of plotting to destabilise the government of La Republique du Cameroon (LRC) President, Mr. Paul Biya

In the petition submitted to the House Committee on Public Petitions, the professors said there had been two separate judgments in Nigeria in their favour on the matter

They said despite the judgment by the Nigerian courts that their arrest and deportation were illegal and that they should be released and compensated, the Cameroonian authorities kept them at the Kondengui Security Detention facility.

The detainees recalled that in October 2022, the United Nations Human Rights Council Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (UN-HRC-WGAD) in Communication 59/2022 of October 14, 2022, found their arrest and detention arbitrary and illegal

They said the global agency asked Nigeria and Cameroun to unconditionally free and pay them appropriate compensation

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