BREAKING: NANS Declares Nationwide Protests, Calls for Shutdown of Major Cities Over Fuel Price Hike

September 4, 2024

By Okafor Joseph Afam

The National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) has declared a nationwide protest in response to the recent fuel price hike that has sparked widespread outrage across the country. The student body, which represents millions of Nigerian students, is calling for the shutdown of all major cities as part of their demonstration.

In an official statement released earlier today, NANS condemned the federal government’s decision to increase fuel prices, describing it as “insensitive” and a “direct assault on the Nigerian people,” particularly students and low-income citizens who are already grappling with the high cost of living.

“We can no longer sit back and watch as our future is being jeopardized by policies that are clearly not in the interest of the masses. The recent hike in fuel prices is unacceptable, and we demand an immediate reversal,” the statement read.

The protests, which are expected to begin on Friday, September 6, 2024, will see students from various universities, polytechnics, and colleges of education take to the streets in what is anticipated to be one of the largest demonstrations in recent times. NANS has urged all students to participate in the protests peacefully but resolutely, to make their voices heard.

As tensions rise across the nation, there are growing concerns about the potential for clashes between protesters and security forces. The federal government has yet to issue a formal response to NANS’ demands, but sources suggest that high-level meetings are ongoing to address the situation.

This development comes amid a backdrop of economic challenges in Nigeria, with inflation rates soaring and many citizens struggling to make ends meet. The fuel price hike has only exacerbated these difficulties, leading to widespread discontent and calls for action.

Nigerians will be closely watching the unfolding events in the coming days as the country braces for what could be a significant turning point in its ongoing socio-economic strugg

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