‘Angry’ Niger soldiers announce coup on national TV

Mutinous soldiers in Niger Republic have announced the removal of President Mohamed Bazoum in a coup on national television on Wednesday night.

In the announcement, the soldiers led by Col. Maj. Amadou Abdramane, claimed to have overthrown Niger’s democratically elected president, and said they have “put an end to the government over the African country’s deteriorating security.

We, the defence and security forces… have decided to put an end to the regime you know. This is as a result of the continuing degradation of the security situation, the bad economic and social governance,” Col. Maj. Abdramane a senior officer in the air force, said.

The mutinous soldiers who call themselves the National Council for the Safeguard of the Homeland (CNSP), also announced the closure of all aerial and land borders were closed and a curfew was imposed until the situation stabilized, while reinstating its commitment to engagements with international and national community.

“All external partners are asked not to interfere,” he went on. “Land and air borders are closed until the situation has stabilised.”

They also imposed a night curfew to take effect from 22:00 until 05:00 local time until further notice

The group also said that all of the country’s institutions had been suspended and that the heads of the ministries would take care of day-to-day business, while urging external partners not to interfere in the internal affairs of the impoverished nation, and warned against foreign intervention and said they would respect Bazoum’s well-being.

The announcement of the coup came after rounds of uncertainty as members of Niger’s presidential guard surrounded the presidential palace and detained President Bazoum and his family in the presidential palace.

Earlier on Wednesday, the country’s presidency had reported that members of the elite guard unit had engaged in an “anti-Republican demonstration” and unsuccessfully tried to obtain support from other security forces, adding that Bazoum and his family were doing well but that Niger’s army and national guard “were ready to attack” if those involved in the action did not back down

The putsch has been roundly condemned by ECOWAS, African Union (AU), United Nations, the European Union, the United States and international governments and organisations

ECOWAS Chairman, President Bola Tinubu of Nigeria had also condemned the coup and promptly deployed the Benin Republic President, Patrice Talon, to Niger following the report of the attempted coup in the country.

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