Air Peace explains flight disruptions for last three days

Delay in renewal of work permits for Air Peace’s pilots has disrupted the operations of the domestic airlines, leading to rescheduling of flights for three days.

Air Peace said the pilots struggled to renew their immigration documents, but the Nigerian Immigration Service (NIS) has intervened to resolve the situation

In a statement released on Tuesday, Air Peace said it also had unscheduled aircraft maintenance, and coupled with the delay in work permit approval, its flights were disrupted.

The airline said the pilots have began to return to Nigeria following the intervention of the immigration service

We apologise to our esteemed customers who have experienced delays in their well-planned flights these past couple of days

The disruption of these flights were as a result of unscheduled aircraft maintenance and largely by delays in renewing work permit/visas for many of our expatriate pilots which have led to a chain of delays and cancellations across our local flight operations.

“We thank the Nigerian Immigration Service for their swift intervention and cooperation as the visas have now been granted

The pilots have started returning from their countries from today. Normalcy is assured within the next 72 hours,” Air Peace said in the statement

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