2023: Living on God’s Greater Abundance and Fulfilment

January 1,2023

By way of introduction, Ambassadors Joseph Okafor , passionately and with all entreaties, beckoned on all his members to avoid sin whether minor or major in this New Year in order to partake in the blessings God had already released to His faithful children. He however cautioned that temptations will definitely come to test their convictions.
According to Him, God has brought all the citizens of Kingdom power International christian praying Center Edo State Benin City into a year of divine  fulfilment and greater abundance because his thoughts for us are thought of good and not of evil.

The question that pointed the way forward in the message was: ‘is it everybody that will partake in the abundance God promised?’ Obviously, No! The blessings of God in 2023 are for those who will be obedient to God’s word. The Ambassador of Kingdom power, reiterated that God has given Kingdom Power inexhaustible riches but warned that nobody should engage in illicit and shady deals to acquire wealth. He noted that those who acquired riches in questionable ways will never escape the wrath of God. Currently in the eyes of men and women the manifestation of wealth  has not kicked off, but in the unseen realm it is reality.

He decried that religious leaders in Edo State, Benin City, Auchi and in Nigeria at large are the ones encouraging corruption because they make places of worship a den of corrupt politicians who offer stolen money to them.
Currently, their is no Christianity in Edo state. Since the death of Benson Andrew Idahosa, the Man God used to give light to the people of Edo state who were idol worshippers, since then christianity has taken a different shape. Pastors now use juju, shrines and occult Powers and other nonsense to perform ritual call miracle in the name of Jesus Christ in churches today.

He noted that anyone in Auchi or Benin City that said God  told him to fill the shoes of  Late Benson Idahosa is nothing but a business man, Adding that kingdom power is established in Edo State to bring back the Ancient landmark of Holiness and Righteousness which his God’s standard in which those false pastors, Apostles, Bishop, Prophet and in Auchi and Benin City have abandoned.

Most religious leaders in Benin City and Auchi work directly with politicians, most of the politicians in Edo state have  special place in some churches in Benin City and Auchi in Edo State!

He unequivocally stressed that he can never allow any politician to come to Kingdom Power International Christian Praying Centre and offer anything to God except such a politician first of all repents and accepts Jesus Christ. He said that corruption includes, among other things, Police officers who are supposed to protect ordinary citizens but are busy collecting bribes on the roads; transporters who take advantage of festive periods to hike the prices of transport fair; parents who patronise special centres for their children to pass exams.

The Ambassador of Kingdom power branch Edo State, prophetically assured his congregation that the year 2023 is a year of greater abundance and divine fulfilment for the children of God. He also advised members to live a life of sacrifice in 2023 urging members to give generously towards the work of God stressing that such sacrifice attracts God’s blessing, and wealth for greater abundance.

He read from 2 Chronicle 18:1. And further References from the book of Jeremiah 17:11; Job 36: 31; Psalm 37: 11; 1 Kings 18: 41; 2 Chronicle 2: 9; Psalm 72: 7; 2 Chronicle 9: 27

You can fellowship with us @ Kingdom Power International Christian Praying Centre,  42, Adolor college Road Road  Lagos Express Way Benin City Edo State.
For details of our programme, visit us @www.kpicpc.org. You can also follow us live on Facebook @kpicpcBenin City & You Tube @ kpicpc.

Head Quarters:
Kingdom Power International Christian Praying Centre, 65, Oluwatedo Road, Cele Road, Isashi, Ojo, Lagos State.

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